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Merseyside Youth Association

Early Years ROAR mental health training


07/01/2022 - 08/02/2022 9:30 am - 11:30 am

The Royal Foundation for Early Childhood found that 98% believe that a child’s future is not pre-determined at birth. However, only 1 in 4 understand the importance of the early years. The aim of the course is to make early years mental health everyone’s business and approaching this using the whole school approach framework. It explores the other 5 big insights from the research; tackling stigma, reduce judgement, create a more shame sensitive culture and also normalising the difficulty of parenting, and the importance of self-care for all. It explores the risk factors that impact on infants and young children’s mental health. Alongside, the protective factors we can nurture to support family resilience. The courses equips delegates to spot signs, reflect on observation skills, improve information for support and self-care. It provides practical ways to support and develop resilience. The practical session aims to strengthen knowledge of both theory and practice in how arts, craft and design can be a vehicle to support mental health and wellbeing, school readiness, child development, along with a tool to express mental distress and develop positive coping strategies to scaffold the delivery of all areas of the EYFS curriculum.

5 2-hour modules delivered virtually once a week

and a full day practical session

January dates are:
The dates for the modules are as follows.

Module 1: Introduction to Early years mental health 07/01/22
Module 2 : Attachment 14/01/22
Module 3: Social and emotional development 21/01/22
Module 4: Developmental Trauma 24/01/22 (Monday)
Module 5: Parental mental health and whole setting approach to mental health 04/02/22

Module 6: Full day practical ‘Hands together’ All the theory from the modules will be applied to creative activities you can use in delivery of the EYFS and disseminate as part of your parental engagement programme- Location is our offices here at MYA Hanover street L1 3DY 8/02/22 (children’s mental health week)


Bookings are closed for this event.