Adverse Childhood Experiences, Trauma-Informed Practices and Resilience
Growing Stronger ACEs Training
At this time, the MYA RAISE Team are delivering ACEs training via Liverpool’s Growing Stronger Programme which is designed to help people of all ages grow and recover from ACEs.
ACEs can impact how we think, learn, act, and grow. However, this does not mean that experiencing adversity will always lead to serious negative consequences. There are many ways to help ensure a positive outcome.
The Growing Stronger team worked with young people and adults in our community to understand how we can help and support those who have or are experiencing ACEs. This resulted in an ACEs framework that sets out ways of addressing the impact of adversities that you or others may face.
The Growing Stronger Framework includes things you can do to help yourself and others in your daily life, at home, at work, or at school. You may also need some support to help you achieve a particular goal. To help with this, there are directories in Liverpool that allow you to search for your particular needs and find services local to you. These directories are a great place to start when looking for ways to get help to tackle a particular challenge or take on a positive activity that will make a difference for you.
Growing Stronger is a campaign developed in partnership with School Improvement Liverpool and the Liverpool City Council, with the aim of helping people of all backgrounds and ages within the local area build resilience for and protection from Adverse Childhood Experiences.
ACE Aware (online via Zoom)
These 45-minute online sessions are for anyone over 18 interested in knowing more about ACEs.
We will cover:
- What are ACEs.
- The impact ACEs can have.
- The ACEs framework: 5 ways we can adapt our practice and interactions with others to buffer the impact of ACEs.
ACE Skilled Training (face-to-face, half-day)
This session is for adults who work with anyone who may have experienced ACEs.
The session will introduce:
- What are ACEs.
- The impact ACEs can have.
- The ACEs framework: Five ways we can adapt our practice and interactions with others to buffer the impact of ACEs.
It will also provide structured reflection for you to build a practical action plan with actionable steps you can take as a leader to address the impact of ACEs.
ACE Leadership (face-to-face, full day)
This training is for managers and leaders within organisations. It considers ACEs and our response from a systems perspective. You will learn how the elements of the response framework can be utilised to support staff and adopt policies, procedures, and systems to make our organisations more ACE-aware and responsive.
Who the course is for?
ROAR ACEs Trauma-Informed Practice is for professionals working with children and young people in all settings.
Merseyside Youth Association’s RAISE Team deliver school-specific ROAR ACEs training and non-school training for those not working in the education sector.
The ROAR ACEs course practices using trauma-informed approaches regarding Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and gives delegates the knowledge and confidence to use those approaches when working with children and young people.
ROAR ACEs Trauma-Informed Practice aims to equip participants in the following:
- To improve our knowledge of the nature and extent of ACEs.
- To understand how trauma can have profound effects on learning, behaviours, emotions and lifelong opportunities.
- To improve our knowledge on ACE-aware and trauma-informed approaches.
- To understand how supportive relationships and environments that schools provide can prevent and reverse harm by building resilience.
- To have the confidence to practice a trauma-informed approach in your organisation.
What are ACEs?
Every child will face experiences while growing up that may be emotionally challenging, such as moving to a new area, studying for exams, and falling out with friends. However, some children will experience more distressing or difficult environments that are adverse, with these potentially traumatic, long-lasting impacts on their development, health, and lifestyle.
ACEs are highly stressful and potentially traumatic events or situations that occur during childhood/adolescence under the age of eighteen. This could be a single event, prolonged threat or breach of a young person’s safety, security, trust or bodily integrity, which can have long-lasting health and social consequences. These experiences directly affect a young person and their environment and require significant social, emotional, neurobiological, psychological or behavioural adaptation. No one is immune to ACEs; although Public Health Wales research shows that three times more people suffered four or more ACEs in most deprived areas compared to the most affluent.
Many professionals other than teachers come into contact with children and young people every day. All staff within the school setting, from the catering staff to the reception staff, should be aware of ACEs and trauma and how this may affect a child or young person day-to-day.
Everyone is responsible for responding to ACEs and traumas and ensuring that individuals have the correct support around them. Let’s all look through a trauma-informed lens.

“I couldn't pinpoint a particular thing. I have enjoyed the whole of the training. The training was so well delivered, I have learnt lots and I have plenty of tools now to go away with and use to (hopefully!) improve my practice. I found the training really useful on both a personal and professional level.”
What difference will this course make?
ACEs are common and experiencing trauma can have long-lasting health and social consequences. However, ACEs should not define anyone’s future.
Emerging evidence shows that ACE aware and trauma-informed organisations improve behaviour, learning, attainment and support happier and resilient children and young people. The course will build upon organisations understanding of resilience and person-centred approaches by reflecting on how they currently foster a nurturing environment for all children and young people.
We aim to strengthen and coordinate responsiveness to ACEs in Liverpool. To build an ACE resilient city where children are less likely to experience ACEs. Similarly where children and families have support and resilience through adversity. For instance, we aim to help adults feel supported to mitigate the potential impact of their own ACEs. In other words, how ACEs are impacting their own health and wellbeing and that of their families. Our aim is for children and families to have longer, healthier and happier lives.
What do delegates say about the course?
“Really powerful saying...'not what's wrong but what is strong'...I know I will use this a lot in my career counselling young children. I thought some of the wordings used by the trainers was brilliant and well thought out. They promoted a safe non-judgmental environment which gave confidence for the group to share their own experiences. I really appreciated hearing Fran and Sophie's stories and found them both relatable and very interesting girls with great energy and a lovely vibe. The course opened my eyes to the fact that I am living with trauma as I don't look at certain things the same anymore...which was great because it encouraged me to seek some counselling which I've been trying to put off.”
How to book training
Follow the links to register and book delegate places
The RAISE Team also deliver a range of funded bitesize training courses.
Other ACEs training and events in Liverpool
Growing Stronger is a campaign developed in partnership with School Improvement Liverpool and the Liverpool City Council. Its aim is to help people of all backgrounds and ages in the local area build resilience to and protect themselves from Adverse Childhood Experiences.
ACE-Aware virtual sessions
45-minute online sessions are for anyone over 18 interested in knowing more about ACEs.
ACE Skilled Training (face-to-face, half-day)
This session is for adults who work with anyone who may have experienced ACEs.
ACE Leadership (full-day face-to-face)
This training is for managers and leaders within organisations. It considers ACEs and our response from a systems perspective. You will learn how the elements of the response framework can be utilised to support staff and adopt policies, procedures, and systems to make our organisations more ACE-aware and responsive.